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Proficient Reading: 27%

Distinguished Reading: 14%

Proficient Math: 27%

Distinguished Math: 8%

Richardsville FRC

Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 3:30 pm
270-777-3678     office
270-551-5168     Mobile
Evenings and Saturdays, by appointment ONLY, if needed. Voicemail and Dojo are available 24/7 and all calls/messages will be returned. 


A Pencil's Tale


frc coordinator
Casey Steele Parker
     Hi there! My name is Casey and I am your Family Resource Center Coordinator. I am a daughter, sister, wife, boy mom, Lolli, student advocate, people pleaser and organizer of all things! I have been with WCPS for almost 25 years, serving
most of them right here at Richardsville Elementary where I attended as a 
child. Growing up just down the street, I take great pride in our community. My mission is to have a life of purpose and to leave a legacy of altruism and integrity. It is my privilege and honor to serve the students and families of Richardsville. 
    When you need support, I am here to help. #whateverittakes

What We Offer

  • PROGRAMS AND RESOURCES: The Family Resource Center offers a variety of programs and resources to help students and families thrive.
  • REFERRALS: The FRC will provide information to connect you with agencies and organizations to address specific needs of your children and families.
  • PARTNERSHIPS: The Family Resource Center collaborates with local organizations to provide comprehensive, all-around, support.

Goals & Standards

The goal of the the Richardsville Family Resource Center is to improve the well-being of children, families and the community by:  

  • Strengthening parenting: FRCs help parents develop their skills and knowledge. 
  • Supporting child development: FRCs help children develop socially, emotionally, and cognitively. 
  • Preventing child abuse: FRCs work to prevent child maltreatment and neglect. 
  • Reducing social isolation: FRCs help families connect with each other and their communities. 
  • Increasing access to services: FRCs help families access resources and services they might not otherwise have. 
  • Improving academic success: FRCs help students succeed academically by removing barriers to learning.


Who is eligible?

All students and families of the Richardsville Elementary and the community are welcome and invited to participate in programs and services. 

Core Components

Advisory Council